Tag Archive | Onslaught

Raven Guard for Onslaught

So as many of you already know, I painted up a whole bunch of goodies in between the fall 2012 and spring 2013 Onslaught events. Where’s the fun in taking a successful, fully painted army more than once when you could spend countless hours painting new units and not playtesting them thoroughly before the next […]

Onslaught April 2013 Coverage

Saturday was the big day — the spring 2013 incarnation of Ward Kapach’s Onslaught tournament. Last fall I was able to come out on top of the 40k side, winning Best Overall by a single point with a 3W-0L-1D record. How did I do this year? Find out after checking out these pics đŸ™‚

Countdown to Onslaught

All right, it’s Thursday night and things are looking decent. After a week of craziness, filled with very little painting, things are finally turning around. The Landspeeder Storm and Hyperios battery got the paint and varnish tonight, joining a number of recent additions to the cabinet. Basically just the autocannon arms left to do on […]

Workbench Update – Pedro & Co.

Anyone who knows me is well aware of my hobby ADD. This is a common affliction, but I seem to have it worse than most, since so damn many of my projects stall out during the “buy models” phase. One of the nice side effects of this crippling disease is the enhanced sense of satisfaction […]