Tag Archive | Secret Weapon

Space Marine Conversion Projects

Space Marine Conversion Projects

With the new Space Marines book come a whole slew of new army builds. Bikers are indeed awesome, Ultramarines get some really badass chapter tactics and characters, Salamanders still get to re-roll a ton of dice, my beloved Raven Guard still kinda suck at first glance, etc. I haven’t spent a huge amount of time […]

Secret Weapon Kickstarter – 48 Hours Remain

As I am writing this, there are 1,130 backers and $236,330 pledged towards the Secret Weapon Tablescapes project on Kickstarter. Approximately 0.13% of that is for my future gaming tables (I’m kind of a big deal, you see). I have some MDF boards and plenty of terrain right now, but some friends and I have often […]