Tag Archive | Conversion

Scum and Villainy Hobby Plans

As I’ve been forced to wait a little bit for my giant Scum and Villainy order, I have been passing the time by painting up some BattleTech minis (pics on the Facebook page until I can write up an article for them) and planning what I will do to customize my Scum. A few things […]

Finished Raven Guard Swiss Army Veteran #1

Finished Raven Guard Swiss Army Veteran #1

I love the smell of Dullcote in the evening! The first of my multi-purpose Swiss Army Veterans has been finished and varnished. Feels good to get him done after being a little indecisive for a while on how to do the shoulder pads (white with black trim to match the other Sternguard Vets, or something different […]

Veterans – Now with magnets!

Built a couple more of the Swiss Army Veterans from the last post, and decided to snap a photo of the one with magnets. See how he can swap from an Honour Guard member with power axe to a Sternguard with a simple combat blade in the blink of an eye? Or the flick of […]

Swiss Army Veterans for 40k and HH Legion Armies

Swiss Army Veterans for 40k and HH Legion Armies

As we all know, one of the biggest issues with collecting any Forge World army is the cost. While the gap between the FW and GW prices is shockingly narrow in places, you still have to worry about your budget. Getting bang for your buck is important, and flexibility is a huge portion of this. […]

Space Marine Conversion Projects

Space Marine Conversion Projects

With the new Space Marines book come a whole slew of new army builds. Bikers are indeed awesome, Ultramarines get some really badass chapter tactics and characters, Salamanders still get to re-roll a ton of dice, my beloved Raven Guard still kinda suck at first glance, etc. I haven’t spent a huge amount of time […]